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Our Services

Revenue cycle management (RCM) is the financial process, utilizing medical billing, that healthcare facilities use to track patient care episodes from registration and appointment scheduling to the final payment of a balance. MEDCODE focuses high quality on providing end-to-end medical billing services as follows; In-Patient Coding, Out-Patient, Quality Validation, Submission, Analyzing Receivable, Re-Submission.
Medical coding for hospital

Medical coding for hospital

Hospitals and Clinic Centers can find it difficult to hire and maintain a staff of qualified and experienced
hospital coders.

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Medical coding for physician office

Medical coding for physician office

MEDCODE we offer physician coding services as well as a number of other related coding services for
physicians’ offices and treatment centers.

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Auditing Service

Auditing Service

MEDCODE audit is a process to assess, evaluate and improve care of patients in a systematic way. Audit
measures current practice against a defined (desired) standard.

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Websites & Mobile Apps For Hospitals

Websites & Mobile Apps For Hospitals

We design and build Websites, Web apps, Mobile apps and take care of all Graphic Design needs for physicians’ offices and treatment centers. We are an experienced professionals providing complete IT needs for Hospitals.

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